Articles on: SECUline
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What declarations are handled through SECUline?

Through SECUline, SALARY automatically handles the following declarations:

1. Monthly Salary Declarations (DECSAL)

Automatically transmitted on the first day of the following month
Applies to payslips generated for current month
Older payslips must be declared manually

2. Work Incapacity Declarations (DECMAL)

Covers various types of leave:

- Sick leave
- Accident leave
- Maternity leave
- Adoption leave
- Leave for family reasons
- CNS-paid sick leave

Automatically transmitted on the first day of the following month
Updates are sent the next business day when changes are made

3. Affiliation Declarations (DECAFF)

Handles both entry and exit declarations:

Entry Declarations for:

Newly hired employees
Employees returning from:

- Full-time parental leave
- Unpaid training leave

Students (15-27 years) hired during holidays
Trainees (under specific conditions)
Business partners (>25% shares) listed as managers
Board members listed as business managers

Exit Declarations for:

Contract termination
Employee death
Contract changes
Early retirement
Employer bankruptcy
Business cessation

4. Identification Number Requests (DEMMAT)

Automatically processes requests for new employee identification numbers
Requires ID card documentation (front and back as PDF)
Transmitted the following day

Updated on: 04/11/2024

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