How do I access the tax cards on MyGuichet?
Log in to your business account on MyGuichet Click on "My business data" Click on "Tax cards" on the Taxation tab Select "By employee" Enter the social security number (Matricule) Click on the button "Download" SelectSome readersWhat should I do if my tax card access request was rejected?
If your tax card access request through was rejected, this typically happens when your company is not yet registered as an employer in the tax administration system. Here's how to proceed: For companies with regular employees: Wait for the RTS office to process your employee affiliations This typically takes up to 30 working days after employee registration The RTS office will handle your company's registration after the first tax card is issued Wait foFew readersHow can I import the tax cards on Salary?
Log in to your account. Go to the "Employees" section in the sidebar. Open the specific employee profile. Click on the "Tax cards" tab. Click on the "Add" button. Select the previously downloaded tax card XML file. Click the "Upload" button to confirm.PopularWhy is my tax card not considered when calculating my salary?
There are two common reasons why a tax card might not be applied to a payslip: Tax card not added to employee account To learn how to add a tax card, please see our guide here . Incorrect "Received On" date To resolve this: Check the tax card's "Received on" date of the tax card by clicking on the "Edit" button Ensure this date is same as the "Valid from" date of the tax card CFew readersHow do I update my employee's workplace on their tax card?
Overview If your employee's actual workplace differs from the workplace listed on their tax card, don't worry - this can be easily resolved. Here's what you need to know about handling workplace discrepancies on tax cards in Luxembourg. Important Information The workplace information shown on the tax card comes from data shared between the CCSS (Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale) and the LBR (Luxembourg Business Registers). The CCSS bases their workplace records on information proviFew readers