How do I add new employees to the platform?
Log in to your account. Go to the “Employees” section in the sidebar. Click the "Add" button on the "Employees” page. Enter the details for your employee. Click the "Create" button to save your employee profile. Expand your team effortlessly by following these simple steps to add new employees to the platform, ensuring a smooth onboarding process.Few readersHow do I invite employees to access the platform?
Log in to your account. Go to the "Employees" section in the sidebar. Open the specific employee profile. Click on the "User" tab. Click the "Edit" button. Enter the employee's name and email. Click the "Send Invite" button to invite your employee. Foster collaboration and communication by inviting employees to the platform with ease using our step-by-step guide to streamline the invitation process.Some readersHow do I remove an employee's access to the platform?
Log in to your account. Go to the "Employees" section in the sidebar. Open the specific employee profile. Click on the "User" tab. Click the "Delete" button and confirm the action. Streamline employee management by efficiently revoking access to the platform by following these simple steps.Some readersCan employees request time off through the platform?
Invited employees can log in to their account. Go to the "Leaves" section in the sidebar. Click on the "Add" button. Select the desired leave type and add the required details. Click on the "Create" button to save the request. Empower your employees with the ability to easily request time off using the platform. Follow these simple steps to navigate the leave managSome readersHow can employees access their payslips?
Invited employees can log in to their account. Go to the "Employee" section in the sidebar. Click on the "Payslips" tab. View and download the payslips. Give your employees easy access to their financial information by guiding them through the process of viewing and downloading their payslips on the platform.Some readersHow do I add a bonus for my employee?
You can easily add a bonus in the "Benefits & more" section of the employee's profile by following these few steps: Open the employee profile On the "Benefits & more" tab, click the "Add" button Select "Bonus" as the benefit type Complete the required information Click the "Create" button Generate the last payslip againFew readersHow do I register my employee with the CCSS? (without SECUline)
If an employee does not have a Luxembourg social security number at the time of affiliation, the employer must follow these steps: Provide the employee's date of birth: Enter the employee's date of birth (year, month, day) on the entry declaration form ( available here ( readersHow do I register my employee with the CCSS? (with SECUline)
For companies using SECUline to register employees without a social security number in Luxembourg, the following steps must be taken: Ensure that SECUline is activated for your company: Confirm tFew readers